With reports of Spring 'officially' starting early this year, I thought I'd add these pic's that I took on Saturday. I picked up a couple of bunches of budded Daff's while shopping on Friday evening.
When I came down to the kitchen on Saturday morning they had already started to bloom.

And by Saturday afternoon they were all pretty much out !!!

I noticed daffs out too on Saturday when my dad and I were out. It's been so mild overall lately. Its as if we no longer have the 4 seasons as one or two merge into others... My dads got so many of his 'tard plants' showing themselves at the moment. Let's hope a hard frost doesn't land and finish them off. :o)
Wondering round the allotment site a week ago I found a few daffodils in full flower. They were were in a sheltered sunny spot. Lots more aren't far off blooming!
Hey, I saw bunches of them when I stopped at a busy busy market for some groceries - too late to buy a bunch, but a welcome sight indeed :-)
I love the arrival of spring... the earth re-awakening after it's wintry snooze, which hasn't been that wintry of late like Daffy says.
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