Thursday, 20 March 2008

One of those weeks....

I'll be glad to get to this long Easter weekend for some much needed rest, as I'm feeling more than a little frazzled around the edges after this weeks events.
Already on the agenda was my Mother-in-laws consultation to decide whether or not she has colon cancer. I know there is not much we can do physically, but the emotions are being stretched every which way with natural concern about her health and her long term well-being.

Then on Tuesday I find I'm on the 'at risk' list and stand to loose my job !! Mrs P didn't take the news too well as it just overloaded her already fragile emotional state.
After spending the evening pumping my CV/Resume to the four corners of the Globe, I've had a good response and I'm fairly confident I'll get something soon.

After calming down and starting tea I took a call from Harriet's college, her art teacher informing us that she's been missing from the last eight sessions and did we know about it ???
Harry is in Leeds, staying with her sister, for a Uni' interview, so after several heated calls it turns out that not only has she been missing her art lessons, she's also been kicked off her English course as well !!! When she was kicked off of English she replaced it with another art course to fill up her timetable up and she's missing those lessons too !!!
She's behind on course work on both of her art courses and with her finals in just two weeks she has a lot of work to catch up on. Her art teacher said that he'll still mark her last piece, despite being four weeks late, if she gets it to him next Tuesday.
She's due back from her sisters tonight. I'll pick her up from the airport at about 9:15.
I'm not going to shout and bawl, I just want some answers. Why ???

WOW, what a week !!!

So, I wish all my fellow bloggers a calm, restful and pleasant Easter weekend.
Don't eat too many eggs now !! =:o)

See you next week.



Anonymous said...

You are right, there is no point in shouting. It won't solve a thing. Calm assertivness I think. Just ask the questions and listen to the response. I'm not justifying (spelling?) anything here but I really thinks that students are under alot of pressure. I listen to 'them' saying how much easier the exams are becoming yet I also see the amount of course work required, the amount of time required to meet sometimes tight deadlines. Couple this with the excitement of life pulling you in other directions, I'm not surprised that they may slip of the rails occasionally. Wise words from caring mum and dad will no doubt put things into perspective.
I'm so sorry to here about your MIL's illness, I hope some answers are forthcoming, easing your wifes worries even slightly perhaps?
As for the work situation, good things come to good people. There is something out there....
Enjoy the weekend as best you can and here is hoping for a slightly calmer and quieter week to come! :o)

Anonymous said...

Aw, go ahead and shout. I have felt much the same about the last week or two. Once you get the shout out of your lungs, you can concentrate better on what to do next. Sorry to hear abour your daughter, but perhaps there's a good reason. Even if that reason is that she's not ready for college at this time.

And best wishes for the job situation. How familiar it all sounds.....