Thursday, 20 December 2007

Second post.

It's been a funny old week one way or another. Lot's of activity at work and at home keeping me busy.
It's been kind of interesting starting off this blogging again though as I had kind of gotten out of the habit I guess. But the new phone has rekindled my interest in blogging all over again.
During this week I've sorted out my phone email account, so I can now send and receive emails directly on my phone, but I've not yet attempted a direct blog. [Adds note to self - Try blogging on mobile.]
Here's an image of my new mobi'... an LG KU990, or Viewty as it's affectionately called. A name that to me sounds a bit weird.

Sunset in Southampton.

As seen from our breakout area.

Testing, testing...

No alternative

Lets see if this work from my mobile.

Friday, 14 December 2007

First post...

OK, I'm a lapsed blogger from another blog way over on Platform27 but I got busy at work AND at home and blogging just wasn't top of my priority list, so I lapsed into unblogginess. So why am I back blogging again. Good question, and well you might ask. Boiled down it is because of my new phone, an LG KU990, that has everything preloaded to blog straight to here !! So. Here I am.